Saturday, July 30, 2005

Some questions from a German High School

I got a paper with questions from a German High School class about the death penalty.
Here are some answers:

Would you agree that the death penalty should be a legitimate punishment for certain crimes ? Why ?
No, because once you open the door for one particular crime to received the death penalty. Politicians will expand it. Make it a death worthy sentence for other cases. When dealing with the law - you end up dealing with people who wish to interpret the law as they want it. Or as now - use it to run for higher offices. Move up the ladder of success.

So, though you may start up with a death penalty. For one offence it grows two - three - four - five. Then again you end up what we have now.

A justice system that is wrong.

If you could choose between life without parole and the death penalty, which one would you choose ? Why ?
Death. Because I might as well be dead than - die a little each day.

What do you miss most ?
The freedom to do what I wish.

Do you think about your own execution ?
No, not now - I was on Death Watch once - waiting to be executed. I had time then to get my thoughts in place and be prepared to die. It no longer worries me. If the time comes, I can do that. Till it does I don´t think on it.


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