Sunday, February 27, 2005

What a visit means - by Average Joe

Our cells have bars across the front - so - we can hear and talk to each other. 14 men on my floor. Conversations are generally open to whom ever wishes to join in. We discuss many topics. From politics - to theology - books - sports - whatever. Sometimes we just joke around for a few laughs.

You may live on the same floor with guys for years. So, it´s like a little community. This is a good floor I am on. We all get along pretty good. Each floor is different. As is each person. Plus you have some who are stressed out or may have mental problems. But, this is a good floor.

My neighbor just called me - asked what I´m up to. Said he could hear the noise from my hamster wheel turning ! We kid each other like that. Told him I was doing some serious thumb twiddling and occasional toe tapping.

Someone mentioned they had a three day visit - starting tomorrow. Ah visit. That's as good as it gets here. Six hours with a loved one or a close friend or family. If they live out of State they get a three day visit. Six hours each day. Something you really can look forward to !

I step into the visiting park see my visitor - the weight lifts off my shoulders. A sparkle lights my eyes and a smile comes automatically to my lips. What really cool is I see the same reaction in them. Then hug and a kiss. Feels so good. Its hard to describe. I´m in this cell all the time alone. No touching - no hugs - alone ! Its like having life pumped back inside you. It flows through your veins. Unfreezes you from the coldness that has surrounded you.

You get a table to yourselves. Oh there's others about. Guards to watch over everyone. All on best behavior ! But, it does not matter. You shut all of that out and there's just you and your friend. To sit and talk, laugh, share some goodies - sodas. Hold hands. Get up and stroll about, hand in hand. For those who wish - there´s scrabble and other board games or cards, or for kids or story books for kids.

It´s not just six hours. But, six quality hours of closeness and warmth. And time to remember. For when the visit is over - to carry with you. And when you feel alone. You remember - the look in the eyes - the smiles - laughs - how it felt to hold someone close and kiss her ! The way she smells - tasted ! Um ! If family - the thing you share with family.

You know it will be sad time when they leave. But, you accept that part. Cause the good outweights the bad the fold. You use those memories as a source of strength to get you by till the net visit ! And to keep those bonds between you strong ! Some get visits every week. Some of us can not. So, have to make each one count !

So, if any of you are considering visiting someone, do it ! It´s a good thing!


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