Thursday, August 05, 2004

Limbo - by Average Joe Death Row

I have been on Death Row for over 20 years...
I´ve seen it all - through love - anger, frustration and tears...
Each day is alike - we call it same ole same ole...

Which simply means today is the same as yesterday - and as tomorrow will unfold...

It´s like being in that movie Ground Hosa Day - where the guy lives the same day over and over again... !

Yet unlike the movie - his dilemma ends when he gets things right...! Here is´t not about getting things right or changing of the tide...

It´s just get through - stay sane
to survive...

I - we live in solitary cells - 14 in a row--- like animal stalls of old...
Yet these stalls are human warehouses made of stone and steel..
Made to last - to break ones will...

And if one does not remain strong and learn to die within is swift and sure...

They say it´s about innocence or guilt...
But it´s not - it´s politics to the hilt...
we are but pawns - put a man on Death Row...and the higher in career and politics you grow...

And while they play their game of high can you go...
we are left here to survive


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